My Haunted Virtual Cemetery

 , By Ronald Howard Livingston
on Tuesday, June, 12 2018 12:41:00 am   , 297 words  
Categories: Uncategorized , 5593 views



A few years back, I wrote an article (posted herein) called "A Nifty Site."  It deals with my use of the engrossing  website, and it mentions some of my postings to the site, as well as reviews some of its various features. One of the most interesting and potentially very useful aspects of FindaGrave is a feature called "Virtual Cemetery" which allows members to save and fave burial entries to a list or category of their own creation for their own and others' use in historical and genealogical research.  Virtual Cemetery list-creations can be made and utilized as a helpful tool to save research finds or to categorize items of a particular interest.


I have used the feature genealogically to create lists of family members of my various ancestral surnames as a finding aid to access particular details needed for further research. I have also created and from time to time add to a virtual cemetery for another interest: ghost stories.  This latter  listing, which I have titled "Shady Rests," contains the names of the dearly departed about whom the FindaGrave entries mention alleged paranormal attributions, or who are popularly ascribed (though not necessarily in their FindaGrave memorial) to the realm of the nearly departed.


As with its constituents, the list goes on.


(My website contains three blogs that can be viewed by clicking their respective tabs near the top of the website homepage. Two in particular feature ghost stories with a focus on historical background and context.  One is Historical Ghost Stories of Texas.  The other is this site you are now reading, De Omnis, which deals not only with ghost stories but other topics as well.  I hope you'll visit them and check back from time to time for additions.)


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1 comment

Comment from: MT C [Visitor]
MT CInteresting stuff. Hadn't really thought much about this, but maybe I could put together something to 'mark the graves' of an older generation or two that I am familiar with for future generation. Especially if I can remember where their headstones can be located. Haven't been back there in 40 or so. Better make a few notes first. MT C PS cool test to see if I am human. wish I had though of it before as its always been a question in my mind.
06/23/18 @ 15:28

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