A Mystery in Process of Solution: The Tamám Shud Case

 , By Ronald Howard Livingston
on Tuesday, June, 01 2021 08:48:00 am   , 136 words  
Categories: Uncategorized , 6851 views

I read some years ago an interesting article (in the now defunct site Odd Xtreme) concerning the case known as the Tamám Shud Case, or the case of the Somerton (Beach, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia) Man. It is an engrossing mystery.  At the time, I added my thoughts on the article. Unfortunately, the website is no longer online, but my comments are because I logged in using Disqus, and that service maintains one's comments.


In the news of late (here for example) is the report that the body of the mystery man found on the beach at Adelaide back in 1948 has been exhumed for possible dna solution as to his identity.


Besides the CoasttoCoastAM.com article, the Wikipedia article contains excellent background on the case.  They will help the reader understand my comments made seven years ago:


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